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Lawn and turf installation Perth

We supply and professionally install a variety of roll-on lawn species, including Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo, Sir Walter, Wintergreen Couch, Empire Zoysia, Empress Zoysia and Velvetene. All of these instant turf varieties suit Perth’s climate and soils.  We can also supply and deliver lawn should you prefer to DIY install. 

PALMETTO Soft Leaf Buffalo

Palmetto BuffaloPalmetto is the #1 selling Buffalo in the world

  • Soft-to-touch and low allergy for children and pets
  • Requires much less mowing than other varieties
  • High shade tolerance and good winter colour
  • High resistance to wear and recovers quickly all-year-round
  • High tolerance to salty water
  • Can be mowed with a rotary mower
  • Supply and install, from $16/m2 + GST**.  Contact us for a supply-only price.

Click here for video on the benefits of Palmetto


Empress ZoysiaEmpress is the ideal choice where a fine, small leaf, soft textured turf is desired.

  • Soft-to-touch for children
  • Requires less mowing than other varieties
  • High resistance to wear
  • High tolerance to salty water
  • Needs to be mowed with a cylinder mower
  • Supply and install, from $16/m2 + GST**.  Contact us for a supply-only price.



Empire ZoysiaExhibits a unique combination of texture, proportion, colour and functionality.

  • Soft-to-touch for children
  • Requires less mowing than other varieties
  • Good winter colour
  • High resistance to wear
  • High tolerance to salty water
  • Can be mowed with a rotary mower
  • Supply and install, from $16/m2 + GST**.  Contact us for a supply-only price.



Wintergreen couchWintergreen Couch is commonly used in golf courses, tennis courts and parks.

  • High resistance to wear – recovers quickly year round
  • Low shade tolerance
  • Highly invasive to garden beds
  • Needs to be mowed with a cylinder mower
  • Supply and install, from $12/m2 + GST**. Contact us for a supply-only price.

Payment methods: EFT, VISA or MasterCard (1.8% surcharge payable) or cheque.

 **Pricing is dependent upon square meterage and the assumption that the soil is clean (no builders rubble, weeds, etc), is roughly level and of correct height.  Soil height should be about 40mm below surrounding driveways, curbing or paths. 

Having trouble choosing a lawn?

  1. Shade tolerance: Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo will tolerate as little as 4-5 hours of spotted light.
  2. Less mowing: Palmetto, Empire Zoysia and Empress Zoysia are all low maintenance.
  3. Good winter colour: Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo exhibits good colour all-year-roundconcrete sprinkler surrounds
  4. Resistance to wear: Wintergreen Couch and Palmetto are both very durable.
  5. Children and pets: Palmetto is “low allergy” due to the absence of seed heads.
  6. Salt tolerance: Both Palmetto and the Zoysia’s grow well on the WA coast line.
  7. Swimming pools: Zoysia’s can tolerate splashing from salt water pools or saline bore waters.
  8. Invasiveness: Buffalo and Zoysia’s are preferable. Avoid Wintergreen Couch.
  9. Rotary mower: Palmetto and Empire Zoysia are suitable with rotary mowers.
  10. Water-wise: All our lawns are warm season grasses and water-wise. W.A. tests prove that their water consumption varies by no more than about 10%. Importantly, Zoysia’s and Couch can be revived if left to die.

Lawn Accessories

linkedge lawn edgingLink Edge is an aluminium lawn edging used for improving aesthetics and preventing the growth of lawn roots and runners into gardens.

  • Link Edge can can be used to form straight, curved, angled or circular-edges.
  • Unlike steel, plastic or cement edging, Link Edge will not rust, crack or crumble.
  • Link Edge typically penetrates to a depth of 75-100mm.  When installed we anchor it securely on a cement footing.
  • Cost for supply and installation is $40-50 per meter plus GST.

Concrete sprinkler surrounds are used for protecting popup sprinklers.

  • Concrete surrounds are highly beneficial for front verge sprinklers.
  • Cost for supply and installation is $20 each plus GST.


FAQ for new and existing lawn

  • Is it important to add good soil prior to laying new lawn?  replace existing lawnWith Perth’s predominantly sandy soil, it is best to prelay at least 50mm of Special Lawn Mix soil or black topsoil.  Special Lawn Mix has a light brown colour due to its red loam content.  It looks a bit like yellow builders sand.  The ‘red loam’ greatly improves the soils water retention and capacity to retain nutrients. Although it is expensive to install new soil, the improvement in growth and water savings far outweigh the initial cost.
  • Apart from good soil, how else should I prepare the surface for new lawn?   Firstly, the surface needs to be level and of correct height.  Soil height should be about 40mm below surrounding driveways, curbing or paths.  This ensures the new lawn will be flush with the hard edges.  Also, ensure the soil is clean with no builders rubble, weeds and old lawn.  Spray weeds and lawn with Roundup (Glyphosate) then allow 2 weeks to take effect before removing.  It is best to repeat this process.
  • How is existing lawn removed?  To prevent any regrowth of the existing lawn it is important to remove the top 100mm.  special lawn mix lawn soilThis is especially important for deep rooted species such as couch.  The excavated ground is then backfilled with clean lawn soil to within 40mm of the desired finish height.  This whole process is best done via bobcat (or equivalent).
  • How to check water coverage from your retic system?  Place an empty ice cream container on the lawn then turn on the sprinklers. Time how long it takes to gather 10mm of water in the bottom of the container, then use this as the watering time on your controller. Check different spots to make sure you are getting an even coverage.
  • Need a watering exemption for newly laid lawn? Contact the Water Corporation to get a “new lawn” certificate of exemption. This allows you to water more frequently. To apply call the Waterwise Helpline on 131 039.
  • How often should I mow? Mowing is important in that it strengthens the root system and minimizes thatching.  For most turf species, mow every 10-14 days in summer, then every 3-5 weeks in winter.  Mow the grass longer in periods of extreme heat, in shady conditions and in late autumn.
  • How often should I water? See the rostered watering days for Perth.  New lawns need to be watered more regularly than established lawns.   It will generally take up to 12 months before new lawn has established a deep enough root system to achieve maximum drought tolerance.  Pay attention to the corners, especially those with curved or diagonal edges.  These can be difficult to water with retic and therefore tend to dry our sooner. Hand watering of these areas is best during establishment.
  • When should I fertilise my lawn? Apply a minimum of three times a year during Spring, Summer and Autumn. It is preferable to fertilise at 8 week intervals.  All fertilizers must be applied evenly to dry lawn and then irrigated thoroughly.  Apply at a rate of approximately 1.5 to 2kg per 100m2.
  • How to I improve shade tolerance of my turf? Simply raise the mowing height.
  • How can I reduce thatching? If a lawn has ‘thatched’ or become spongy and thick with age, lower the mower to its lowest cutting height. It is advisable to do this yearly with all lawns. If the mower cannot be lowered far enough it will be necessary to get the lawn verti-mowed.

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New controller?

The latest controllers installed by expert electricians

Water-wise retic?

MP Rotator nozzles and dripline can lower water use  by 30% or more

New retic or lawn?

Water-wise and durable retic for Perth's harsh summer.  We also install modern turfs such as Sir Walter soft leaf buffalo